Yesterday Maria, Dani, Irene, Mario and I, went to Almudena's to record the school project of a play.
It was a great experience and I had a lot of fun recording that, the first time I had to speak I started laughing and I was so nervous.
Today at school we have seen it and I think all the plays we've seen were really good. I want to do antoher one this year because it's really amazing! isn't it? With doing the film you discover your actress side xDxD.
The story:
The Russian Mafia, planified the kidnape of the daughter of a very rich man. The kidnaped the daughter and in a little war in their garage, the police woman (ME) the rich father and the daughter died. Almudena, Irene's sister had commit suicide because all her family died.
The Russian Mafia wasn't catch by the police because they scape.
I think the story recorded was great but I think we can improve..
2 comentarios:
Hahahaha xD this was a good day! Really I had a great time theree, and you? :)
But we've got to "quedar!" other day to make it again =D
tee quiierooooooo!(L)
It was one of the best experiences in my life, recording a video!
I hope Carmen will tell us to do one more but with other people..
Next week we'll "quedar" ,won't we?
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