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Saturday, March 12, 2011

International Women's day

Some days ago, we spoke about this day in class.
I have my own opinion.
Women are human, and they should have had the same rights as men. I don't know why years ago people was "mind-closed". Sometimes that makes me get angry, but I don't think things in past were fair.
Nowadays there are still men who think women CAN'T do a lot of things in life, for example jobs that are usually worked by men.

I think women can do the same as men and sometimes they can also make it better.

Friday, March 4, 2011

French fries

When I visited Mexico, I saw a little "car" that sold French Fries. I didn't know that this fried potatoes had this name, so I took a picture because it was strange for me.
Then, I discovered that French Fries are fried potatoes :3
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