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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Maria Rubio.

Dear Maria.
The school year is about to finish. First of all, thank you for all I learnt from and about you.
Sometimes you were unhappy, you said we were "desmotivated"... but we were like this with the rest of the subjects. Sorry, If you felt bad because of us.
But as you told me one day, everyone has a place in the world where he fits. I think I'll have one, because you told me so, THANK YOU. And you'll also find a high school where you are happy.

Don't remember us as a bad class, please, I wish you luck in the other high school, and thank you.
Thank you very much.


1 comentarios:

My English teacher's blog said...

Wow, thank you! But now I feel bad :( I never meant to make you feel that way. You were not bad, you aren´t and will never be. It was me, not you. Yes, sometimes you weren't very communicative in class or looked bored and uninterested and that affected me but as a teacher I should know better than to let that affect me. These last few years hasn't been my best and I'm sorry for that, you deserved better. Yes, I'm sure you'll find your place in the world and you'll be happy because you are a wonderful person. I'm happy to have met you. Thanks!

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