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Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween º,...,º

Yesterday we celebrated Halloween.
Raquel prepared a kind of pary and we went Alvaro, Zuza, Martina, Irene, Mario, Paloma and me.
At first, Raquel and I, went to Pili's (Raquel's cousin) because Pili had to make us up. When we finished we dressed up and then the other guys arrived.
We saw Paranormal Activity 2, it was a boring film, nothing strange happened, instead of crying or being afraid, I laughed. When the film was finished, Martina and Irene started shouting, I was afraid of them not of the film!!!
Then, we went house to house for asking Trick or Treat. They gave us, chips, lollipops, sweets, and Morenazos.

Something very fun happened was that Alvaro said:Wow, these are white, but the name is Morenazos xDxD

When we were at the street, Alvaro and I hide behind a wall. We talked for a while and we laughed because Raquel was calling me and I didn't answer. Then, we decided to scare them, and we did : Boooo! They started shouting xDxD

Finally, we went to Raquel's and we ate pizza, we took a lot of pictures and we "divided" the sweets.

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