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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Life is dark these days.

Sometime in the life, you discover things you shouldn't had discover, but now it's done.
Other times people disappoint you, by the things they say, by the way they act and by the way they love you. When you discover the way a person loves you, if is bad, it hurts. Yes. It hurts, humans have feelings and have heart, whatever you say whenever you act, has consequences.
After a nightmare, I get up frightened, the anguish of thinking, Is this true? Hardly ever happens this, but it does.

I'm grateful to those friends who trust me, love me and do not want to hurt me(: Thank you.

By the way, try not to be disappointed with those who are really your friends, because they did something wrong. But if they do many things wrong and you are very sad and hurt, be disappinted.

Remember who are your good friends.

P.S: Writting this, makes me feel better.

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