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Monday, April 26, 2010


Today I'm in a dark day, all what I want to see in a white colour is black.
I learnt that I cannot share my opinions with everybody I want and now I'll keep my opinions inside my heart.

I know that when I make a mistake or is a mistake for some people, they don't have to be all ALL ALL against me, and I'M NOT JEALOUS FOR ANYTHING!


2 comentarios:

raqilmun said...

I know you write this for me...and this is not like that..(and you know that)
you don't have to keep your opinion inside of you...but something that you said hurt someone...
your opinion was not opinion, and you know that..
I know that something that I said hurt someone too, but all you said and you know.. were bad...I know was an "injusticia", but you didn't had to say all, what you said...


believeinloveNTR said...

This is not for you this is for all the people has criticize me, you know who are them...
And some people hurt me ... other times..and you know who is him/her.
And if I want I can!

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